
 9-А 23.01.24 РР 124-126
  4-А 17.01.24. Unit 4 Lessson 2 p 72
 4-В 16.01.24. HEALTH and BODY CARE pp 70-71
 9-A На 12.12.23р. до 19.00 Контроль читання за 1 семестр. Виконувати в тестовій формі -цифра,буква.  9 клас І семестр Reading In the very old times there lived a king, and he was a man of great fancy. One day an idea came to his mind, and the king decided to modernize the system of court trial in his kingdom. For this purpose there was built a big arena with galleries around it. In that arena the most important criminals were to be put on trial in public. But neither the king nor anybody of his court was to decide the fate of the accused person. It was the criminal himself who did it. On an appointed day when all the people had gathered at the galleries, and the king and his court had taken their places, the accused person stepped into the arena. On the other side of the arena there were two doors. The doors were side by side and identical. The accused person was to walk to those doors and open one of them. If he opened the one, there came out of it a hungry tiger and tore h
  3-А, 3-Б. 3-В  Для учнів, які не були в школі з будь-яких причин 01.12.23 с 60-61
  4-А 30.11.23. с 54-55 В РЗ  нічого робити не потрібно.  Краще переглянути відео 2 рази , звертаючи увагу на нові слова і вирази, їх вимову. В зошиті попрацюємо на уроці.